Tag Archives: United States Constitution. Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Moral Hazard

While the health crisis is improving and “ongoing vaccinations offer hope for a return to more normal conditions later this year,” Powell said, “the path of the economy continues to depend significantly on the course of the virus and the measures taken to control its spread.” Our current Money Power Chairman testified to the Senate today.

These words are innocuous taken at face value. I tend to be one that is always looking for a mask when it comes to the face of the Money Power. In this case, a chill runs down my spine at what is masked. In no small part this chill is enhanced by the fact that the Weimar Republic is being mentioned in far right monetary newsletters again. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/bofa-hints-weimar-20-could-be-coming In light of the mid-century monetary military madness this Republic symbolizes and unleashed, the words, “The measures taken to control its spread,” take me to the darkest measures mankind is capable of. The virus induced social control measures will dictate the state of the economy says the man at the controls. Make no mistake Covid-19 is fulfilling the economic role of war, regardless if it is nature or mankind induced.

War economically reconfigures. Covid-19 has often been referred to as the great reset. https://www.weforum.org/great-reset/ We live in a fractal reality, our economy is a confidence game. Confidence is going to dictate how we act. And if we the people of the United States are going to have any hope of hanging onto the United States of America as intended by our founders we need to stay out of debt, bank in local community banks or credit unions and buy local, support small businesses. Corporations and “too big to fail banks” are parasites Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton clashed over this reality. Hamilton called Jefferson’s “people” a beast that needed to be harnessed. Early last century this harness was re-coined as a “cross of gold.” Fiat money will flow in the coming year, it is up to us to direct it into the directions we want to see thrive in our communities. Money is our magic wand, invest wisely. If we do we can control the “popsicle index” of our lives. https://home.solari.com/the-popsicle-index/

Pay Attention freethinkers. As above, so below.

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Could a President of the United States Suspend the Constitution?

History Lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGs34q9zpCI&feature=youtu.be


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